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Dec 11, 2021


VARC section for some students can be difficult. It can be mastered THROUGH TOUGH THOROUGH THOUGHT, THOUGH.


My answer to this question has two approaches :


First, the long –term approach (which I am pretty sure most of the students don’t follow. obviously ,who has  ever  chosen the long path when short-cuts are available. And if you follow this approach you don’t need any VARC trainer for your CAT VARC Section .Let me be clear the shortcuts will help, but  don’t keep your expectations high.)


Second , the short-term approach(which  everyone wants and useful only when you have spent  some  time on the long term approach. And if you are a believer of the long term approach you don’t have to spend your time reading the short term approach.)


Let’s start !




The dreaded long- term approach:


1)READ. READ.READ .PERIOD.READ AGAIN .- Oh crap!most of you must already have stopped  reading this answer by now. This four letter word is the most dreaded and painful word students come across and music to ears to those who are aiming 99+ percentile in CAT. Trust me, I am not one of those trainers who is going to suggest  you to eat all the editorial columns of these propagandist news papers. Trust me there is a lot of shit going on in there. The important questions should be what should you read? Answer: read anything, absolutely anything. If you are a guy read 15 ways how to impress a girl (don’t try implementing them literally ). All I am trying to say is read any thing that kindles your interest and once you have developed this habit of reading anything for atleast a couple of hours a day. Bang! You are a reader now. Congratulations. Don’t get overexcited this is just the beginning of an upcoming long penance .Once you have reached here , then switch to topics that are relevant to your CAT preparation.


2) Develop your vocabulary –OH!PLEASE ! Can this answer BE any more clichéd (NO Chandler Bing reference intended). I know everyone who teaches VARC section talks about this. But again by vocabulary I do not need you to go  mug up a list of words or start reading “word power made easy”, these are good for your other aptitude exams and your communications skills. And then there are people who start maintaining a list of words in their notebooks ,come on, ARE YOU SERIOUS! We guys are smart generation, we can get access to any word we want in click of a finger, why go with so much trouble. By vocabulary I mean your “SUBJECT-BASED KNOWLEDGE”. By subject based knowledge I mean you should start reading on topics such as Evolution, Politics, Philosophy , History, Technology etc. topics that are important for your CAT VARC section. For eg: look at this word –“PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS”(Wait a minute , have I spelt it correctly. I guess so.)do you know what this word mean? Well , hell even I don’t know what this word means. Ask a doctor he/she will tell you what it means (just kidding). All I am trying to say is every subject out there has its own set of jargons, you need not go and complete your doctorate in every single one of these subjects  ,you should just be familiar with the topics .Trust me! this helps. Helps a lot.


3) Keep a track of your reading speed and comprehension –If you have reached to this third point you have already started working on your reading skills. I know this is a lot to take and equally painstaking but in order for you to be able to perform well in VARC section you need to make some commitments. Keep a note of number of pages you are reading in an hour . While a slow reader will only get through 20-25 pages an hour(depends on genres. For eg-fictions, you shall be able to read few more pages when compared to non-fiction) ,statistics show that a quick reader can read upto 60-70 pages an hour.  OH MY GOD ! do hell with CAT .I don’t want to put myself upto all of this . But , let me tell you one thing, this one examination has the potential to push your career to unimaginable heights. So, success requires some grinding and you may already know that most of the successful people around the world make sure that they spend some of their time reading books. This is a difficult habit to develop but once you develop it , you are not going to regret it. And ,about comprehension ,one of the ways you can test your comprehension is by asking yourself “why has the author written this book /article etc.”, if you have an answer to this question then you are on the right track , if not , read the book again. Your answer to this question should not be of more than three lines. For eg: if you read the book “A Man’s Search for meaning” by Viktor Frankl ( I would suggest everyone to read this book)  you can summarize it in one line by saying “one who has a ‘why’ to live for,can bear almost any ‘how’”. In a nutshell what I am trying to tell you is your orientation towards  reading should be PURPOSE BASED and not FACT BASED.




I already have written at a great length and I do not want to bore you to death as well. So I ,although reluctantly, will take a pause here and would continue the short-term approaches in my upcoming blog.


I hope you guys find it useful and not boring at all. If you have any other questions related to VARC section, Grammar section , Vocabulary, CR ,GDPI, etc. you can put it in the comment section. I know it is troublesome to write such lengthy blogs and reading too , but I will be more than happy to address your concerns.