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How should I prepare for GK section for CMAT, TISS, IIFT, XAT and other such exams?


Dec 16, 2021

How should I prepare for GK section for CMAT, TISS, IIFT, XAT and other such exams?

GK is the most neglected section when it comes to MBA entrances. Students prepare for Quants, DI, LR, English but neglects GK which has an equal weightage in CMAT (25%) and even more weightage in TISS (40%). It will be tough to make XLRI without performing good in this section. Don't think that it won't count as they don't calculate it in XAT percentile. If it it there, it's for a reason.

The benefit of this section is that the whole section can be completed within 10–15 mins as there are only two possibilities:

1. You know the answer

2. You don't know the answer

Apart from this, the section can compensate your other section if you are lagging in that.

I am listing down the sources and techniques that helped me in preparing for GK section for all such exams.

First and foremost rule, never rely on a single source for GK. You should follow at least two sources.

Go through past year papers to get an understanding of the questions that are usually asked.

GK section is divided into two parts:

1. Static GK

2. Current GK

For Static:

There is no source better than Lucent to cover static Gk. Yes, I understand that it is vast but once you are done with lucent, you don't have to worry about Static Gk for any exam.

Still, if you don't want to go for Lucent then follow Arihant which is concise but I highly recommend Lucent as it will cover everything.

For Current:

Never miss daily updates in Galvanizing Potential App. I repeat, Never!! Those daily updates helped me a lot in exams as most of the questions were directly from there.

You can also prepare from sources such as GK Today, Cloud Affairs and Adda 247. If you have less time, go for monthly PDFs. If you have time, go for weekly ones. If interested in watching videos then follow StudyIQchannel on YouTube.

People who read newspaper on a regular basis will always have an upper hand as you know about stuffs in detail when you read newspaper and you remember them without even memorising them.

Lastly and the most important one:

Keep a regular track of your mock performance. Take daily GK quizzes for static and current both. Analyse the type of questions you aren't able to answer and prepare that part before taking the next mock.

All the best!!

Vishal Jalan

CMAT GK (2019): 99.47%ile

SNAP GK (2018): 98.62%ile